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Our Story

In the 60s, there was limited understanding of the link between sleep and overall health, and no alternatives to traditional braces existed.

Dr. Earl O. Bergersen, an orthodontist ahead of his time, developed Ortho-Tain® technology to provide better orthodontic solutions and overall health.


With over 500 patents, his technology promotes proper dental eruption, eliminates mouth breathing, reduces tonsils and adenoids inflammation, and develops proper swallowing.

Dr. Bergersen's innovative appliances, including the HealthyStart System and now Bbite, have transformed what is possible with an
early intervention approach. Dr. Bergersen's legacy is celebrated for his contributions to improving patients' systematic health worldwide. Playing a role far beyond its origins in orthodontics, Bbite aims to improve facial development and oral function in our youngest growing patients, where it can have the highest impact.

Join the Bhive!

Reveal your child's most bee-autiful smile with Bbite.

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